Johans Kayak Site


Distance: 8.5 km to the end of the Amstelmeerkanaal x 2 = 17 km.
A round trip passed Slootdorp is 24.2 km including a 700 meter portage.

No kayak rentals.

Until 1924 Wieringen was an island. Then the dikes of the polder Wieringermeer were made. After the polder was made the Afluitdijk was built in 1932 and connected the former island with Friesland. On the south-side there is the polder Wieringermeer, and in between is a canal, the Amstelmeerkanaal.

Starting point De Haukes

Leave the N99 (Den Helder - Den Oever) at the roundabout in the direction De Haukes (N240). You pass through the village and turn left in the direction Slootdorp. At the end of the village there is a starting point on your left. For a round trip you drive 1.5 km further. Opposite the side-road Schelpenbolweg you find the starting point on your right.

Round trip of 24.2 km.

In September 2021 I made a round-trip passed Slootdorp. It was difficult to find a starting place. Portage passed the locks of De Haukes is not possible. The pier at the Slootvaart is way too high and of no use for kayakers. The first place where you can have access to the canal is opposite the side-road Schelpenbolweg. Just after the trees there is a small field and there is a small place where there is no reed. It may be created by anglers, but I saw no trace of anyone having been there in the past weeks. I dropped my kayak at this point, then drove to De Haukes to park my car, and walked 1.5 km back to start my kayak trip. I was surprised to see a new kayak pier just before I reached Slootdorp. And also along the Den Oeversche Vaart there are 3 new kayak piers at the bridges. The situation at the end of the canal was disappointing. On the left there is a new pier, but there is no low side for kayakers. It's too high to be of any use. There is another pier behind it, but that one is private and has no access to public ground. The lock-keeper approached me and asked if I wanted to go up. Not knowing about the situation behind the locks I rejected his offer. I said I would use the low kayak-pier on the right, but he told me that was not possible. The kayak-pier is very old, but it can still be used. I dragged my kayak across the landstrip to the canal Hooge Kwelvaart. Here is also an old but still usable kayak-pier. I launched my kayak and paddled to the right away from the pumping station. Just around the bend there is another old kayak-pier on the left. Here you can go to the side. I dragged the kayak to the path, put the wheels under and started walking to the left. At the road I turned left and walked over the bridge across the locks. I passed through the narrow bike-tunnel under the highway A7. Passed the pumping station I lifted the kayak over a wooden fence. There used to be a kayak-pier at the Amstelmeerkanaal, but it is no longer there. The water is shallow and there are stones. But I found a suitable spot just before the inlet. Then I paddled 8.5 km. to De Haukes. The kayak-pier at De haukes is in bad shape and the sign has diappeared.

Was this trip worthwhile? The answer is Yes. The straight canals through the polder are not at all boring. I enjoyed the silence and the places where you can go to the side at the kayak-piers are very nice. There even are sculptures to make them more beautiful. The woods Robbenoordbos are a nice variation. If you can pass through the locks, there's only a short portage of 50 meters to the Amstelmeerkanaal. If not, you have to take the 'scenic route' with a portage of 700 meters. I recommend you use a canoe-cart then.

De Haukes: N 52.8895 E 4.9378
Schelpenbolweg: N 52.8779 E 4.9396

Den Oever: If you pass through the locks you turn left and go under two bridges. At the pumping station you can to on the side on the left. There is a low concrete edge.
For a portage of 700 meters you go to the side on the kayak-pier on the right. Then portage to the other canal. Paddle a short distance to the right and then go to the side on the left. Turn left on the paved path and then turn left when you come at the road. Then you go straight on following the bike-tunnel under highway A7. Passed the pumping station you go across the wooden gate to the Amstelmeerkanaal.

Downloadable GPS-track of 24.2 km. Wieringen.

Slootvaart with a kayak-pier on the left.

Kayak-pier along the Slootvaart.

Locks in Slootdorp.

Kayak-pier along the Den Oeversche Vaart.

Den Oeversche Vaart.

Marina in the Robbenoordbos.

Passage under highway A7.

Locks and pumping station Leemans. You can pass through the locks to the Binnenhaven/IJsselmeer.
The new black pier on the left is public, but it's too high for kayaks, and the second pier is private.
On the right there is a kayak-pier where you can portage to the Hooge Kwelvaart. Here you also find a kayak-pier.

On the Hoge Kwelvaart you paddle a short distance to the right.
After the bend you see this kayak-pier on your left. Here you can go to the Robbenoordbos.

Portage via the Robbenoordbos to the Amstelmeerkanaal (700 meters).

Portage on the road across the locks passed the pumping station Leemans.

You pass through the bike-tunnel to the Amstermeerkanaal.

If you can pass through the locks, you can portage here from the harbor Binnenhaven to the Amstelmeerkanaal.

You need to lift the kayak across a wooden gate. There is no kayak-pier at the canal. You can launch the kayak just before the inlet of a pumping-station.

De Haukes.

Kayak-pier at De Haukes.

Bicycling around Wieringen

In 2021 a new bike-road of 7 km. was made along the Amstelmeerkanaal. It is now possible to make a trip around Wieringen. Especially the north-side is nice, because most of the distance you can drive on the sea-side of the dike.