Johans Kayak Site


In 1999 I bought my first kayak. Years before I had kayaked a bit, but I never thought of buying my own kayak. It was a budget model because I didn't know if I would like to go kayaking a lot. But I enjoyed it, and soon I wanted another model that's more suitable for longer trips and bigger water. In that year I also started to experiment making a website. I didn't have a digital camera yet, so I had to scan in my photo's on paper. In 2000 I went to the kayak shop of Arend Bloem in Wormer to see what's on the market and what would suit me. I bought an Eagel Seajett, a model more suitable for lakes and canals, but still not too costly. Then I also bought my first digital camera because they became affordable (although memory cards were still small and expensive). I found out that there was very little information about where to kayak. Practically none on the internet and very little at the local tourist information desks (VVV). So I started exploring, made many photo's and bought the domain name Gradually the number of routes increased and so did the number of visitors. In 2000 I had only about a 100 visitors a year, in 2012 I had 65.604 visitors with 131.675 page vieuws. In 2013 for the first time the number dropped a bit. Maybe because of the economical crisis, but also maby because the website with frames became a bit outdated.

The Eagle Seajett I owned from 2000 tot 2006.

So in 2014 I said farewell to the WYSIWIG editor Frontpage and made a new website from scratch. I use Expression Web 4, that's free available from Microsoft now. I had to learn a bit about HTML, CSS and DWT, but it's going fine. The code is a lot more structured and search-engine friendly. So I hope this will increase the number of visitors again. The content is the same, and also the old website is recognizabele as there is the same back-ground with the clearday-clouds from Frontpage. Also the lay-out is very much the same: a content-register on the left (not in a frame) with the routes in the same order roughly from north to south.

My RTM Tooka Presto 475.

Charleroi urban exploring

Also visit my website about Charleroi and surroundings. It's about urband exploring and you find many photo's and lots of information.