Wehe-den Hoorn round trip 13.5 km.
Extra loop passed Mensingeweer 21.0 km.
Large round passed Electra and Zoutkamp 29.6 km.
Kayak rentals:
- Groepsaccomodation, B&B, en kayak rentals De Energiek, Mernaweg 79, 9964AR Wehe-den Hoorn. Tel. 0595-571239 of 06-55706297.
- 't Ol Gat, Stationsstraat 14, 9974 SK Zoutkamp. Tel.: 0595-401926 or 06-20969370.
In the province Groningen there are more than 850 km of waterways suitable for kayaking.
They vary from narrow canals where only kayaks can go to wide waterways like the Reitdiep and a few lakes.
The terrain in the north is higher than in the middle of the province. As the water level is the same, the result is that the sides are higher as you go more to the north.
You can experience this if you'd go to places like Molenrij or Pieterburen. So you have to step out on the land to have a view.
But the nice thing is that you have shelter from the wind.
There are a lot of facilities for kayaking. There are many kayak
piers where you can go to the side, especially along the popular
routes. There are several places where you can rent a kayak or camp
along the water.
Round trip 13.5 or 21 km.
Starting point Wehe-den Hoorn
Follow the N361 between Groningen and Dokkum. At a roundabout you exit towards Wehe-den Hoorn. At a T-junction you turn left in the direction Kloosterburen. In the center you turn right at a sign "'t Korensant" on the Havenstraat. Just around the corner is the boatramp on your right. There is a parking place and an entrance to a camper place.
For a round trip of 13.5 km consult the page about Pieterburen.
Round trip 21 km
For the 21 km. round trip you turn left and pass the locks Abelstok. At the next intersection you turn right and you pass Mensingeweer. At the end of the canal you come at the wider Winsumerdiep. At this T-junction you turn right. Then after 2.5 km. you come at locks and pumping station Schaphalsterzijl. There is a weir and locks. They are usually open, but when there's a lot of rainfall they close. Then you can portage passed the kayak pier. After the locks you come at the Reitdiep. You turn right and a little further you turn right again. On the corner there us a floating pier where you can swim. You follow the Kromme Raken passed Schouwerzijl. After 2.6 km. you turn left and you pass Warfhuizen. Just outside the village there is a kayak-pier on the left. Here you find free public toilets, a play ground and a picnic table. At the next junction there also is a kayak pier. Here you turn right under the wooden bridge. There are a few houses along the canal. This place is named Het Stort. Then after 3 km. there is a side canal on your left, but you straight on. At the next T-junction you turn right. A little further you turn right again to the starting point in Wehe-den Hoorn.Round trip of 29.6 km. passed Electra and Zoutkamp

Downloadable GPS-track (29,6 km): Zoutkamp.
Starting point Warfhuizen
Another good starting point is at Warfhuizen. Tou may prefer this place if you go for the big trip passed Zoutkamp. From here the distance is 29.6 km.You park along the road. There is a playground, public toilets with tap-water and a good kayak-pier.
To get here you follow the same directions as above. But at Wehe-den Horn you turn to the south on the N983 towards Warfhuizen. After the bridge in Warfhuizen you turn right. The starting point is at the end of the village. You can park along the unpaved side-road just before the starting point.
Round trip of 29.6 km.
From Warfhuizen you go to the right (east). At the T-junction you turn right on the Kromme Raken. After you pass the locks of Schouwerzijl you turn right on the Reitdiep. On the corner there is a floating pier where you can swim. The photo at the top of this page was taken here. After 4 km. on the Reitdiep you pass the turnbridge of Roodehaan. After another 5.7 km. you come at the locks Lammerburen near Electra. After the locks there is a small marina and a camping on your left. There is a small restaurant and they have a swimming pool. Further west the Reitdiep becomes wider. There is a marked channel in the middle for yachts. You can paddle outside the channel. There are a few fish traps. The nets are rather high, and even out of the water at places, so you better go around them. From Electra it is 5.7 km. to the center of Zoutkamp. Just before the bridge there is a floating pier on the right where you can go to the side. You go under the bridge and pass the former sea-locks. Then you turn right on the Hunsingokanaal. Again you pass former sea-locks. Both of them are open. After a short distance you come at a weir. Usually it's open, but if not can portage across camping 't Ol Gat. After another 2.4 km. there is a side-canal on your left to Ulrum. In Ulrum there is a boat-ramp and a pier. You go straight on. After another 2.5 km. you come at a bridge and an intersection. There is a mooring place for yachts. You go straight on. After 1.5 km. you turn right at the bridge on the Warfhuisterloopdiep. Follow the narrow canal until you're back at the starting point.
Boatramp and kayak pier at the starting point in Wehe-den Hoorn.
Wehe-den Hoorn.
Het Stort. Under the bridge you go on the Hoornse Vaart in the direction Wehe-den Hoorn. To the right is the Warfhuisterloopdiep.
Along the Hoornse Vaart.
Along the Hoornse Vaart
Hoornse Vaart.
Wehe-den Hoorn.
Wehe-den Hoorn.
Eenrumermaar near Eenrum.
The locks in the Lange Raken at Schouwerzijl are open.
Turnbridge across the Reitdiep at Roodehaan. The bridge and the white house were built in 1906.
Pumping station "Waterwolf" at Electra.
Locks Lammerburen at Electra. Push the button on the left for a request for operating. When not operated you can portage across the camping. You pass the pumping station and bring hte kayak to the marina at the camping.
Reitdiep. You can navigate on the lee side outside the channel. There are some fish traps you better go around.