Johans Kayak Site


A round trip from IJsselmuiden 23 km. And a walk back to the starting point of 1.8 km.

There are 4 portages: one of them is 300 meters. This is a trip in the quiet nature of the Kampereiland, along the side of the Zwarte Meer (official silent area) and the Goot. Also in the Polder Mastenbroek it is very quiet. Along the Bisschopswetering is only a bike-road and a quiet secundary road.

No kayak rentals.

Camping at the starting point:

Camping Seveningen. Also hikers available. Address: Frieseweg 7, 8267 AD Kampen. Tel.: 038-331 48 91 of 06-14629263.

To the starting point:

Follow the N50 Emmeloord-Zwolle.
From the norh: exit the N50 just after the bridge when you leave the Noordoostpolder. Follow the N765 towards IJsselmuiden. Just before the bridge across the locks you turn left en right again. This is a narrow road. After the bend to the left you see a boat ramp on your right. Here you can start the kayak trip. You can not leave a car here. There is a parking place at the beginning of the narrow road before the entrance of the camp site.
From the south: exit the N50 at Kampen and follow the N307 (Flevoweg) through the town. After the bridge across the IJssel you turn left. The just across the bridge across the locks of the Ganzendiep you turn right.

From the starting point you head north on the Ganzendiep. You pass Grafhorst. At the next junction you turn left and keep following the Ganzendiep. You pass the footferrry and then you come at the lake Zwarte Meer. You turn right and follow the south side. The water is rather shallow (less than 1 meter) and there are many waterplants. This is a silence-area and you hear only the birds. After 2 km you turn right on the canal. At the Y-junction you keep right on the wide water. After 4 km you come at Kamperzeedijk West. Turn left towards the pumping station. You can go to the side just before the culvert. This portage is about 300 meters: you cross the road and turn left on the bike-road. After 100 meters you turn right. The kayak-pier is on your right just before the bridge. You go under the bridge and head south on the Bisschopswetering. The second portage is a short one just to pass a small weir. There are good kayak-piers. After the weir you turn right. After two bends you come at a culvert and there is an iron gate in the water. This should not be there and there are no kayak-piers. It is a bit difficult to get out, but you have to carry the kayak across the road. On the other side you go to the left on the Trekvaart. You come at another weir and a culvert that's too low to pass. So here you have to portage again (about 50 meters), but there are good kayak piers. Just keep following the Trekvaart. There is a bend to the right and at the side-canal you go straight on. The end of the route is at the end of the canal.

You walk back to the starting point: Turn right on the Burgemeester van Engelenweg, the turn left on the Dorpsweg. At the end you turn left at the T-junction on the Grafthorsterweg (N760). At the next intersection you tur right on the N765. The starting point is after the bridge across the locks.

GPS: Lat. 52.5689 Lon. 5.9160




Bike ferry across the Ganzendiep.

Zwarte Meer with the Noordoostpolder in the distance.

Along the Goot.

Portage at Kamperzeedijk-West.

Portage at Kamperzeedijk-West near the Zeediekhoeve.

Polder Mastenbroek.

Trekvaart near IJsselmuiden.