Johans Kayak Site



Kayak rentals:

Camping along the route:

Mini Camping Valkenhof, Broerdijk 39, Oostwoud, tel.: 0229-202484.

Round trip to Opperdoes (17.6 km) starting at Onderdijk:

To the starting-point near Onderdijk

From highway A7, take exit 11 towards Medemblik. Just before Medemblik you turn right on the N240 in the direction Andijk and Enkhuizen. Then after 4 km you turn left towards Onderdijk. Just before the bridge you see a parking-area on your right. This is the starting-point. There also is a picnic-table and a boat ramp.

From the starting point you turn left and go under the bridge and cross the Grote Vliet. You can make a small detour to the right passing Onderdijk. After the lake you go straight on and on your right you see the steam-engine museum. You go further north. After a bridge the canal makes a bend to the left. Just before the bridge you can turn right on the Parksingel. At the end you come at the children's farm "'t Langoortje". You can go to the side here. A little further you see the medieval castle Radboud. Across the dike on your right you seen the IJsselmeer. There is a small harbour with a boat-ramp. There's no kayak-pier though. You continue on the canal around the city center. When you see the locks on your right you turn right (57) and follow the narrow canal. You can turn right to see the dead-end canal Achterom. A little further there is another dead-end side-canal to the right. At the end there is a kayak pier. You can go to the side and visit the windmill Herder across the railroad. There is a small restaurant. A little further you pass the liftbridge and locks (58). You go straight on. There are many blackberry bushes on the right side. When you come at Opperdoes, you go straight on and pass waypoint 52. You follow the bends and keep to the right. When you come at a T-junction you turn left. At the end of the canal you turn left again towards waypoint 53 on the Twiskerdijksloot. At waypoint 53 there is a kayak-pier on your left after you pass a culvert. This is the starting-point Opperdoes. You continue straight on on the Twiskerdijksloot towards Medemblik. Take the first side-canal to the right towards waypoint 55. Then you turn right under the wooden bridge. At the next T-junction (59) you turn right again. You keep going straight on across the lake Grote Vliet. After the bridge you return to the starting point.

Round trip of 25 km. starting near Opperdoes:

To the starting-point near Opperdoes

From highway A7, take exit 11 towards Medemblik. Just before Medemblik you turn right on the N240 in the direction Andijk and Enkhuizen. At the roundabout you turn right and after a short distance you take the first street to the left. After 500 meters you see the starting point at the picnic-table on your left. There is a good kayak-pier.

From the kayak pier you head north-east on the canal away from the road. After a bridge you turn left and pass the Univé building. At the end of the canal you turn right at the T-junction. At the next intersection you turn right passed the wharfs. At the next intersection you can make a detour on the canal on the left. It is a dead-end canal named "Achterom" through the old town center. When you come at the locks you turn right. around the city center. At the next side-canal on your left you can make another detour. At the end of the canal is a petting zoo named "T Langoortje". Here you can portage to the IJsselmeer (170 meters). In the harbor is a boatramp, but no kayak piers. Behind the petting zoo is the medieval castle Radboud. You continue the route heading south. You see the steam-engine museum (9) in the former pumping station on the left. There is a kayak pier so you can visit the museum, or just stop for coffee or tea. When you come at the lake Grote Vliet you keep right, and about halfway you turn right into the canal. Then you turn left, and after that you keep left until you come back at the southernmost point of the lake. You turn right passed the kayak pier and boat ramp. At the T-junction (4) you turn right on the Egboetswater. On the left is a park with a bike-road. At the next intersection there is a place where you can go for a swim. You turn right here on the main canal. After a few bends you come at the first houses of Oostwoud. Turn right on the main canal. You stay on the main canal until you passed Oostwoud. After a railroad-bridge (steam-train) you turn left. This long canal has a kayak-pier on the left about halfway. Turn right on the short canal to the Bennemeer and then turn right again. Then turn right on the straight canal towards Twisk. You navigate behind the houses and then you turn left under a bridge. The canal makes two bends and then goes to the north. At the end of the canal you turn right before the bridge. The narrow passage leads towards the canal that runs towards Medemblik. At the sign (50) you turn right towards Opperdoes(51). At the T-junction you turn left, and then right again. The canal along the side of the village brings you back to the starting-point.

GPS Opperdoes kayak pier: N 52.7551, E 5.0880
GPS Onderdijk boatramp and kayak pier: N 52.7381, E 5.1337
GPS Oostwoud boatramp and low side: N 52.7257, E 5.0816

Downloadable GPS-track 17.6 km: Opperdoes.

Downloadable GPS-track 28.3 km: Medemblik.



Medemblik. End of the Oudevaartsgat at the children's farm "'t Langoortje". Portage to the harbour of the IJsselmeer is 170 meters. There is a boat-ramp, but no kayak-pier.

The IJsselmeer on a windless morning at Medemblik.



Dead end canal just north of the city center of Medemblik. Across the railroad you can visit windmill De Herder. There is a small restaurant.

Locks and railroad bridge for the steam train.




Twiskerdijksloot near Opperdoes.

Starting point (53) at the Twiskerdijksloot near Opperdoes.

Twiskerdijksloot near Medemblik.

Steam-engine museum near Medemblik. When the museum is open you can have coffee/tea in the building on the right.




Twisk. Turn left here.

Twisk. Kayak pier along the dead-end canal from the Bennemeer towards Westeinde.
At the bend in Westeinde it's not possible to get to the side and portage to the kayak pier on the other side of the road. The sides are too high and it's too steep.

On the site of Recreatieschap West-Friesland you can download a map for motorized boats.